The original Slime Stew contained a lot of posts about the situation leading up to the Iraq War and my thoughts about everything that was going on, thoughts about issues I was experiencing in my life at that time, and random other stuff. Many of the posts were of a serious nature, talking about my thoughts on current events and so forth. (At least that's what I remember now - I might not be remembering everything correctly though.)
I don't know what I'm going to do with the reincarnated version of the Slime Stew just yet. I'd like to return it to its old self, with most of the posts being about more than just "this is what's going on in my life today." That stuff can get boring pretty quickly, if you ask me. I'm not going to promise anything though. I don't even know if I'll stay interested in this long enough to post on a semi-regular basis, let alone create thoughtful, in-depth posts. I hope I will.