Anne talks about her own experiences growing up as a pastor's kid, and her later struggles with certain sins. She discovered at a young age that many Christians/churches are very unforgiving of sin in people's lives. Through her own experiences and the many responses from her blog readers she discovered that people everywhere are in desperate need of compassion and healing, but we're all too scared to share our struggles with anyone else. She talks about the freedom that can be found in confession and how we can help so many people by encouraging this mindset. Anne explores why so many Christians hide behind their masks of fineness, instead of being honest about the struggles in their lives. By confessing our sins and struggles to like-minded Christians we can both help others and be helped ourselves. When we hide our struggles from everyone it's easy to start thinking that we're the only ones walking through the valleys. But when you speak up and reveal the brokenness in your own life you soon realize that there are others all around you that are just as broken as you are, and you all help to carry each other through. In the end, it all comes back to each of us being a sinner in desperate need of the Savior. Don't look down on someone that is broken, for we all are broken in different ways. Pick up the broken, and help them to see the love and grace that Christ offers.
This is a really good book. You can buy one here, should you be so inclined.
I received this book free from Thomas Nelson Publishers as part of their book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.
I'm going to have to get a copy. It sounds really good.