"You Carried Me" is a heartfelt accounting of one woman's journey from the discovery of her attempted abortion to ultimately meeting and uniting with her birth mother decades later. She writes openly of her struggles after making this abortion discovery when a young teenager. I cannot even being to imagine how difficult it would be to learn that your mother had tried to abort you.
I was never tempted to put the book down and stop reading it. The author has told her story well, and her love for others in similar circumstances shines throughout many of this book's pages. "You Carried Me" is powerful, moving, gripping, and enlightening!
I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher.
I was never tempted to put the book down and stop reading it. The author has told her story well, and her love for others in similar circumstances shines throughout many of this book's pages. "You Carried Me" is powerful, moving, gripping, and enlightening!
I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher.