We're finally getting married! Hallelujah!
The pastor who has been counseling us told us about two weeks ago that he thinks we are ready to get married. We've been waiting to hear those words for a couple of months now! We've scheduled it for the 11th of November. It's just going to be a very small private ceremony - no guests, and that's just the way we want it. We're both looking forward to it and are counting down the days until the 11th!
I met last night with one of the men from the church we've been attending. I'm in need of some good friendships/advice from Christian men, and I'm hoping last night is the start of what will develop into a good Christian friendship.
I've been doing some research into vaccine safety recently. We need to decide what our plan is for immunizations once our baby is born. The easiest thing to do would be to just have him get all of the recommended immunizations at the recommended times, but I don't know if that's wise. A lot of people are concerned about various negative things associated with vaccines. Some people believe that vaccinations are linked to autism. Some studies suggest there is a link between the two; other studies suggest no link. Who to believe?!?
Hannah is in one of the high-risk groups for the H1N1 flu because she's pregant. When you're pregnant your immune system is greatly suppresed so you can catch illnesses much more easily, and once you do catch them they can easily develop into something much more serious, like pneumonia, for example. She found out earlier this week that the H1N1 flu shot would be available in our area today, so she called her doctor yesterday and found out that they were recommending she get the shot. (At her previous appointment the doctor said she didn't have a recommendation yet.) In my research online I had discovered that most of the H1N1 flu shots contain thimerosal, a preservative that contains mercury - which some studies have linked to autism. However, a small set of H1N1 shots was being manufactured without thimerosal for those who are concerned about the potential negative effects of it. Thankfully the health department did have some thimerosal-free shots, so Hannah got one of those.
It's difficult to know what to do about vaccinations for our baby though. On the one hand we want him to be protected from all the serious diseases. On the other hand we don't want him to be affected negatively in any way from the vaccines, whether it be autism or something else.